September 2003 was a RED LETTER MONTH and has a huge significance for all the founders of iCONGO- International Confederation of NGOs. This being the month when the Karma Mitra & JOY OF GIVING movement was launched by the iCONGO and REX Karmaveer Founders in India.
With THE JOY OF GIVING movement, the first FACE TO FACE fundraising agencies (or Direct Selling Agencies) were created to raise funds for several causes.
The JOY OF GIVING (IPR registered, by iCONGO to avoid misuse, but the movement is owned by the People) movement has become a huge public interest initiative today, which raises funds of over 1000 crores or 150+ mn USD (through FACE TO FACE fundraising) every year for various causes across India.
During September – December 2003, the founders of iCONGO resolved to create “ideas for action” to help people experience and enjoy THE JOY OF GIVING and RIGHT every WRONG in society.
The JOY OF GIVING movement has inspired many movements around the world like THE JOY OF GIVING WEEK in India, GIVING TUESDAY in US, SIMPLY GIVING in Europe, GLOBAL GIVING, THE JOY OF SHARING and other similar initiatives.
In 2003, Ek Alag Mausam the first movie to mainstream issues related to HIV Aids was released to an overwhelming response globally. EK Alag Mausam was produced by the REX Karmaveer founder Jeroninio (Jerry) Almeida.