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The yearlong planning and preparations to organize the first REX Karmaveer event begins.

Partnerships with several bodies like UN, CII, FICCI, RAI, NECCI, FISME, EU etc. are finalised.
iTEAM- Institutionalized Training Empowerment and Advancement of Marginalised is launched to create Industry based skill jobs for underserved youth.



iTEAM proved that jobs for the marginalised need to be well conceptualised and devised with advancement built in.
It is win-win as the underserved and unserved youth get jobs and industry gets a great LOYAL workforce, with highly reduced recruitment, training and attrition cost.
iTEAM concept developed with USAID and GOI, gets adopted by Industry and Government of India to create SKILL INDIA, with a new body formed to focus on skills namely, NSDC (National Skills Development Corp).
In 2005 we also conceptualised and created iTEAM with USAID and Industry associations as mentioned above. iTEAM is Institutionalized Training, Empowerment and Advancement of the Marginalised. The idea was to create 50000 industry based skill-jobs like retail cashiers, salespeople, petrol pump attendants, hospitality staff, parking attendants, security guards, car mechanics, beauticians, etc. We also proposed jobs for the disabled as part of iTEAM. Between 2005 and 2006 iTEAM was institutionalized and implemented with several industry partners and companies like Reliance, Future Group, ITC Hotels, Maruti Udyog Limited, L’oreal and so on. iTEAM learning included specific industry based skills and soft skills.
In 2005, REX Founder and Leadership Coach, Jerry Almeida also began seeding the concept of Citizens owing their Individual Social Responsibility through his leadership learning programs in companies.
REX Karmaveer mission, begins Ethical Leadership programs in educational institutions to inculcate a sense of Proactive Citizenship. Cleaning the streets of India to CLEAN INDIA is an integral part of the learning.
26/11 is promoted as the Citizen Action Pledge Day to remember the day that the Indian Constitution was first presented by Dr. B. R Ambedkar and adopted by WE THE PEOPLE in the Indian Parliament in 1949.